
Nowadays it is hard to decipher credible information from un-credible information over the web. Stories like “One month of darkness this December” or “Ebola becoming one the leading causes of death in the US” are what raise questions about the honesty of online journalism. Our group saw ourselves as spokespeople for the issue of homelessness. And since most of the information we were distributing was over the internet, one of our main goals was to provide, factual, credible information. As a group we hoped this credible information would get shared, leading to a bigger audience and in turn, more civil activism. Clicktivism has its limitations though. In order to fully engage our audience, there needs to be a engaging form of media.

A good example of civil activism was used by the At Home campaign. Mark Horvath and his team came up with a video game that engaged their audience in homelessness-its causes, challenges and solutions. Players move through a series of puzzles in their local neighborhood, learning about the issues of homelessness on the way. Each stop in the game allows the user to share speficic content on social media using #athome as a way to inspire change. Points that players earn go to actual, real-life, home “move-in kits” distributed to the homeless in their community. Players “win” the game by making an actual difference in the real world. The At Home campaign also allows donators to become characters in the video game as another incentive to actively participate.

When I think of other humanitarian organizations, I think of their celebrity faces. Sarah Mclachlan for the ASPCA, or Eli Manning representing the No More Organization. In my opinion, homelessness needs a celebrity face. Someone notable that attracts an audience, and is heard. Most people are more likely to listen to a message if it is said by their favorite celebrity rather than an ordinary community member. I think a combination of “normal” people, mixed with a few well known figures in the media can create the ultimate campaign. Conveying a message through a celebrity brings in an audience, while the “normal” citizens make the goal seem attainable and realistic.

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