How badly do you want it?


Byron Hurt has finally built up the courage to produce a documentary on the controversial issue of hazing. Byron is a man who has experienced both sides of hazing and presents his material from a first person point of view. Approaching the subject with sensitivity and care, hurts aims to preserve the experience and tradition of greek life, without the dangers of hazing.

Supporters can donate time and money to Byrons campaign in effort to; pay for production, hire an editor, and create a high quality trailer that spreads awareness. This is a bold fundraiser that is helping produce a bold film. No dollar amount is too small to donate and all efforts are appreciated. You too can help raise social awareness by donating a minimal amount to activists like Byron Hurt

Ivy League horror


A degree from Dartmouth should be a one way ticket to the top. A prestigious school with a renowned faculty, Dartmouth breeds outstanding students. Such a school as this is thought to act with poise and character, this is not always the case.

Being the real-life inspiration for Animal House, Dartmouth greek life is no stranger to the world of hazing. Horror stories come forth about the terrors of hazing in the Dartmouth Greek life. Students are pushed to their limits in order to becomes a part of the 150 year tradition. Pledges were asked to swim in pools filled with vomit, or to ingest vinegar and absurd amounts of alcohol. Reports were made and Dartmouths greek systems soon was put in the public eye.

In response to students allegations about hazing, faculty and alumni from the University voiced their opinions and denied all allegations. Alumni wanted nothing to do with the alleged stories and responded by saying “these individuals are ruining the traditions of Dartmouth”. The consensus as one alum put it, “if you don’t want to be initiated, don’t pledge”.

This is a great example of the ignorance that is happening within society today. Lets cover up our problems, lets face them.

*DANGER* middle school locker rooms

Middle school locker rooms, they are a breeding ground for adolescence and are one of the scariest places on earth. A place where wet willies and athletes foot stand tall, locker rooms are also the ideal location for hazing. These kids are ruthless and with little understanding about the harm they can inflict on others. Prior to these years growing up was all about fun games, but quickly we see harmless teen jokes, turn into bullying and hazing.

There is a constituted mentality that “what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room”. This is a silence that needs to be broken. Saying “boys will be boys” is also saying “young adults will be young adults” and “men will be men”. This response generates no social awareness to the issue and allows it to reoccur. Be a voice in your community.


A Quick Slap on the Wrist

While efforts to prevent hazing are being put into action, it is hard to end this social issue all together. One way to aid prevention is through punishment. Everyone had an experience growing up where they did something wrongs, were punished for it, and never did it again. Why not take this approach towards hazing?

Each state is responsible for its own hazing laws. In Maryland, the current fine is $500 dollars. Colorado’s court system will issue a fine anywhere between $50-$750, and six states have no anti-hazing statue. I received a nuisance party ticket that cost more than a hazing ticket! With punishments all over the board, hazing cases are usually open for interpretation. In my opinion any cases where a victim is subject to mental or physical harm should not be open for interpretation.

What is all states adopted the same policy. A clear set of guidelines that define the act of hazing and present a clear plan of action when dealing with hazing cases. No case should be overlooked simply because of where it happened. Lets not settle for a quick slap on the wrist.


Who We Are- Hazing Prevention


Based off the principle of empowerment, is a national organization dedicated to preventing hazing through education, and building partnerships. As a major force against the issue of hazing, every year teams up with the National Hazing Prevention Week and the Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention  in order to combat this social issue.

I find this to be an inspiring organization. Instead of focusing on punishment for hazing, Director Tracy Maxwell has shifted her focus to prevention. The website serves as a gateway to multiple resources for hazing prevention and helps connect each individual to the appropriate department. By doing so, each victim can feel comfortable knowing they will be well taken care of and well informed.

This is one of the first prevention organizations not based solely around greek hazing. In expanding their ‘target audience” opens the door and the conversation to others effected by hazing. By making small donations to hazing you can help promote prevention and spread awareness.

Anti-Hazing Hotline

Small problems escalate into large scale issues when they’re not addressed. Burying something deep down leaves little to no chance of it getting resolved, and can cause the problem to keep reoccurring. Personally I think hazing is an especially difficult issue to report. Why? Because you want to be like the guys who are hazing you. Its easy to report a problem that does not designate with you, but when accomplishment lies at the end of this issue, a grey area appears. How long do withstand this before it becomes a serious issue? Is it worth my time?

Thankfully a group of board members from fraternities and sororities has created the Anti-Hazing Hotline. The groups has created a mass telephone line that operates 24/7 in aiding students involved in hazing incidents.This line connects victims to a group of fraternal law partners who specialize in cases related to hazing. Callers can be assured that they will received adequate attention legal comfort.

Luckily there are numerous hotlines at various different Universities that deal with hazing. Unfortunately, most cases that occur outside the greek system are not being reported. There is lack of attention to all the victims of hazing in high schools, bands, athletic teams, etc.

Without the proper resources, it is almost impossible to address every aspect of the problem. Spread the word to speak out! How can you spread awareness
