Anti-Hazing Hotline

Small problems escalate into large scale issues when they’re not addressed. Burying something deep down leaves little to no chance of it getting resolved, and can cause the problem to keep reoccurring. Personally I think hazing is an especially difficult issue to report. Why? Because you want to be like the guys who are hazing you. Its easy to report a problem that does not designate with you, but when accomplishment lies at the end of this issue, a grey area appears. How long do withstand this before it becomes a serious issue? Is it worth my time?

Thankfully a group of board members from fraternities and sororities has created the Anti-Hazing Hotline. The groups has created a mass telephone line that operates 24/7 in aiding students involved in hazing incidents.This line connects victims to a group of fraternal law partners who specialize in cases related to hazing. Callers can be assured that they will received adequate attention legal comfort.

Luckily there are numerous hotlines at various different Universities that deal with hazing. Unfortunately, most cases that occur outside the greek system are not being reported. There is lack of attention to all the victims of hazing in high schools, bands, athletic teams, etc.

Without the proper resources, it is almost impossible to address every aspect of the problem. Spread the word to speak out! How can you spread awareness


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